React JS unlike some of the other popular Javascript libraries isn't a fully fledged MV*/application structure framework. It is more the equivalent to a Backbone view. If it's just the equivalent of a view in Backbone, you might be thinking, how can you use Backbone models and collections with a React view?
Travis CI allows for easy testing of Github projects by including a .travis.yml file with configuration in your project. By default it runs npm install
to install any dependencies your project or project tests need. This is of limited use if your project or project tests are front end and rely on dependencies from bower to run.
ExoSuit is a collection of functional mixins that augment your backbone application. Backbone provides a basic structure to your Javascript application but lacks some of the excellent features of some of the more fully featured libraries and frameworks available.
Bullhorn Handlebars Helpers are a collection of useful helper functions that are primarily designed to be used with the Handlebars.js templating library. Bullhorn helper modules can also be used as standalone modules outside of Handlebars but it's API is designed to fit with what Handlebars passes as arguments to it's helpers.
Over the past few months you might have seen a series of posts on this blog about building with Grunt. Grunt is a Javascript task runner tool for doing builds of projects. In the series of posts the project has been a front end website/application. Grunt however is not the only kid on the block in the task runner field. There is a newer tool called gulp aiming to offer an alternative to Grunt. In this series of posts, the same project is going to be used from the Grunt articles but this time the build is going to use gulp as the task runner.