
On The Web: CSS Tips and Techniques

CSS, On The Web

I recently came across this post on the web by Sawyer Hollenshead containing CSS Tips and Techniques. I won't rehash the article here but it contains some clever tricks that I hadn't previously thought of or come across elsewhere on the web.

My favourite tips were the suggestions of how to use the :before and :after pseudo selectors for adding an asterisks to form labels with an ".is-required" class. It also mentions using the pseudo selectors aswell as other selectors to custom style checkbox and radio fields instead of relying on the native operating system render or using a Javascript replacement.

The border-box tip I recently wrote about is also mentioned. So head over to the link and read the article in full and let me know if you have found any other interesting CSS tips and techniques.


CSS Tips and Techniques

1st July, 2014

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Javascript, BackboneJS, ReactJS, Testing, Bower, Travis CI, ExoSuit, Handlebars, Templating, Bullhorn, Build Script, Gulp, On The Web, Grunt, Web Components, Google Maps, Quick Tip, Text Editors, Styleguide, CSS, Border Box, AMD, RequireJS,